The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Kissing

1 Question: Can a man kiss another man?
Answer: If it is not with lustful intention, there is no objection in it.
2 Question: Can I kiss my girlfriend?
Answer: It is not permissible and friendship with a non-mahram woman or girl is not allowed.
3 Question: Can I touch or kiss my fiancé?
Answer: You cannot do so without a marriage contract (Nikah).
4 Question: Can a girl kiss their paternal / maternal uncle?
Answer: There is no objection in it.
5 Question: Can a husband and wife kiss or hug, etc. one another in public places?,
For example, greeting and welcoming one another in the airport which is quite common in Europe?
Answer: It is not prohibited as as long as the wife's Hijab is kept and maintained, and does not encourage lust to onlookers, and its better to avoid such in public.
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