The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Tawaf

1 Question: I did not know that Tawaf al-Nisa was obligatory for every individual who performs Umrah or Hajj al-Tamattu'. I have not performed it. What should I do know given the fact that I have left Makkah for my country?
Answer: If you cannot go back to perform Tawaf al-Nisa, you should ask someone in Makkah to perform Tawaf al-Nisa. The tawaf has a prayer which you yourself perform after the Tawaf has been completed. Your agent (wakil) should inform you after he completes the Tawaf so that you can perform the prayer immediately after it. The recommended precaution is that the agent also perform the prayer on your behalf.
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