The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Musical Instrument

1 Question: Is it permissible to manufacture, sell, or buy musical instruments that are made for children’s play? And is it permissible for adults to use them?
Answer: If the music that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings comes out of it, then it is neither permissible to deal in, nor are adults allowed to use them.
2 Question: Is it permissible for women and men, in weddings, to beat the drums or bang on household pots and pans?
Answer: Beating on drums, striking tambourine and playing similar instruments made to be beaten on is not permissible. However beating on other items for example household pans and pots is not prohibited in itself, although it should be avoided based on precautionary ruling.
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