The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Iddah (waiting period)

1 Question: If a man who wants to marry a woman, and she claims that observed the waiting period (‘idda), does one need to investigate further or can they rely on her statement?
Answer: If her statement is deemed to be truthful, they can rely on her statement, and one does not need to investigate further, unless she was considered to be lying.
2 Question: A Muslim man who is married to a Muslim woman migrated from his country.
After a lengthy stay in the West, he wants to embark on a temporary marriage with a woman from Ahlul Kitab just a few days after divorcing his Muslim wife.
Is this permissible for him, especially when his Muslim wife is still in her waiting period (al-‘idda)?
Answer: The temporary marriage mentioned in the question is considered invalid because the wife who is in her waiting period of a revocable divorce is still considered as a wife.
If he has a Muslim wife, temporary marriage with an Ahlul Kitab woman is not permissible without her consent; nay, even with her consent, it is not permissible, based on compulsory precaution.
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