The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani

Question & Answer » Black Clothes

1 Question: Is it permissible to drape a mosque with black cloths?
Answer: There is no problem in it.
2 Question: Are girls and women allowed to wear black coat and scarf all year round, even when it's not the months of Muharram & Safar?
Is it Makrooh?
Answer: There is no problem in it, and it is not abominable (Makrooh )
3 Question: Is it permissible to wear black Ihram?
Answer: It is discouraged to wear Ihram in black cloths; as a matter of precaution, this color must be avoided and it is preferred that the Ihram be of white cloths.
4 Question: Following the death of a beloved, women wear black as a sign of grief, is this permissible?
Answer: There is no problem in it.
5 Question: Is it Makrooh to wear black on an ordinary day when it is not coinciding with the martyrdom of one the fourteen Infallibles?
Answer: It is not abominable (Makrooh )
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